--- myst: html_meta: title: AutoRAG - Run local model in AutoRAG description: Learn how to run local model in AutoRAG keywords: AutoRAG,RAG,RAG model,RAG LLM,embedding model,local model --- # Configure LLM & Embedding models ## Index - [Configure the LLM model](#configure-the-llm-model) - [Modules that use LLM model](#modules-that-use-llm-model) - [Supporting LLM models](#supporting-llm-models) - [Add more LLM models](#add-more-llm-models) - [Configure the Embedding model](#configure-the-embedding-model) - [Modules that use Embedding model](#modules-that-use-embedding-model) - [Supporting Embedding models](#supporting-embedding-models) - [Add your embedding models](#add-your-embedding-models) ## Configure the LLM model ### Modules that use LLM model Most of the modules that using LLM model can take `llm` parameter to specify the LLM model. - [llama_index_llm](nodes/generator/llama_index_llm.md) The following modules can use generator module, which including `llama_index_llm`. - [hyde](nodes/query_expansion/hyde.md) - [query_decompose](nodes/query_expansion/query_decompose.md) - [multi_query_expansion](nodes/query_expansion/multi_query_expansion.md) - [tree_summarize](nodes/passage_compressor/tree_summarize.md) ### Supporting LLM models We support most of the llm that LlamaIndex is supporting. To change the LLM model type, you can change the `llm` parameter to the following values: | LLM Model Type | llm parameter | |:--------------:|:--------------:| | OpenAI | openai | | HuggingFaceLLM | huggingfacellm | | OpenAILike | openailike | | Ollama | ollama | For example, if you want to use `OpenAILike` model, you can set `llm` parameter to `openailike`. ```yaml nodes: - node_line_name: node_line_1 nodes: - node_type: generator modules: - module_type: llama_index_llm llm: openailike model: mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 api_base: your_api_base api_key: your_api_key ``` At the above example, you can see `model` parameter. This is the parameter for the LLM model. You can set the model parameter for LlamaIndex LLM initialization. The most frequently used parameters are `model`, `max_token`, and `temperature`. Please check what you can set for the model parameter at [LlamaIndex LLM](https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/module_guides/models/llms/). ### Add more LLM models You can add more LLM models for AutoRAG. You can add it by simply calling `autorag.generator_models` and add new key and value. For example, if you want to add `MockLLM` model for testing, execute the following code. ```{attention} It was major update for LlamaIndex to v0.10.0. The integration of llms must be installed to different packages. So, before add your model, you should find and install the right package for your model. You can find the package at [here](https://pretty-sodium-5e0.notion.site/ce81b247649a44e4b6b35dfb24af28a6?v=53b3c2ced7bb4c9996b81b83c9f01139). ``` ```python import autorag from llama_index.core.llms.mock import MockLLM autorag.generator_models['mockllm'] = MockLLM ``` Then you can use `mockllm` at config YAML file. ```{caution} When you add new LLM model, you should add class itself, not the instance. Plus, it must follow LlamaIndex LLM's interface. ``` ## Configure the Embedding model ### Modules that use Embedding model Modules that using an embedding model can take `embedding_model` parameter to specify the LLM model. - [vectordb](nodes/retrieval/vectordb.md) ### Supporting Embedding models As default, we support OpenAI embedding models and some of the local models. To change the embedding model, you can change the `embedding_model` parameter to the following values: | Embedding Model Type | embedding_model parameter | |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------:| | Default openai embedding (text-embedding-ada-002) | openai | | openai large embedding (text-embedding-3-large) | openai_embed_3_large | | openai small embedding (text-embedding-3-small) | openai_embed_3_small | | [BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5](https://huggingface.co/BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5) | huggingface_baai_bge_small | | [cointegrated/rubert-tiny2](https://huggingface.co/cointegrated/rubert-tiny2) | huggingface_cointegrated_rubert_tiny2 | | [sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2](https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2) | huggingface_all_mpnet_base_v2 | | [BAAI/bge-m3](https://huggingface.co/BAAI/bge-m3) | huggingface_bge_m3 | For example, if you want to use OpenAI text embedding large model, you can set `embedding_model` parameter to `openai_embed_3_large`. ```yaml nodes: - node_line_name: node_line_1 nodes: - node_type: retrieval modules: - module_type: vectordb embedding_model: openai ``` ### Add your embedding models You can add more embedding models for AutoRAG. You can add it by simply calling `autorag.embedding_models` and add new key and value. For example, if you want to add `[KoSimCSE](https://huggingface.co/BM-K/KoSimCSE-roberta-multitask)` model for Korean embedding, execute the following code. ```python import autorag from autorag import LazyInit from llama_index.embeddings.huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbedding autorag.embedding_models['kosimcse'] = LazyInit(HuggingFaceEmbedding, model_name="BM-K/KoSimCSE-roberta-multitask") ``` Then you can use `kosimcse` at config YAML file. ```{caution} When you add new embedding model, you should use `LazyInit` class from autorag. The additional parameters have to be keyword parameter in the `LazyInit` initialization. ``` ## Use vllm You can use vllm to use local LLM. For more information, please check out [vllm](nodes/generator/vllm.md) generator module docs.