--- myst: html_meta: title: AutoRAG - Prev Next Augmenter description: Learn about passage augmenter module in AutoRAG keywords: AutoRAG,RAG,Advanced RAG,Passage Augmenter,Prev Next Augmenter --- # Prev Next Augmenter This module is inspired by LlamaIndex ["Forward/Backward Augmentation"](https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/examples/node_postprocessor/PrevNextPostprocessorDemo/). It allows users to fetch additional passages. ## **Module Parameters** - **num_passages** : The number of passages to add before and after the retrieved passage Default is 1. - **mode** : The mode of augmentation - `prev`: add passages before the retrieved passage - `next`: add passages after the retrieved passage - `both`: add passages before and after the retrieved passage Default is 'next.' ## **Example config.yaml** ```yaml modules: - module_type: prev_next_augmenter num_passages: 1 mode: next ```