--- myst: html_meta: title: AutoRAG - Similarity Percentile Cutoff description: Learn about similarity percentile cutoff passage filter module in AutoRAG keywords: AutoRAG,RAG,Advanced RAG,Passage Filter,similarity percentile cutoff --- # Similarity Percentile Cutoff This module is inspired by LlamaIndex ["Sentence Embedding Optimizer"](https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/examples/node_postprocessor/OptimizerDemo/). Re-calculate each content's similarity with the query and filter out the contents that are below the content's length times percentile. ## **Module Parameters** - **percentile** : The percentile value to filter out the contents. This is essential to run the module, so you have to set this parameter. - **embedding_model** : The embedding model name. - **batch** : The batch size for embedding queries and contents. ```{tip} Information about the Embedding model can be found [Supporting Embedding models](../../local_model.md#supporting-embedding-models). Plus, you can learn about how to add custom embedding model at [here](../../local_model.md#add-your-embedding-models). ``` ## **Example config.yaml** ```yaml modules: - module_type: similarity_percentile_cutoff percentile: 0.6 embedding_model: openai batch: 64 ```