Llama Index Chunk

Chunk parsed results to use Llama Index Node_Parsers & Text Splitters.

Available Chunk Method

1. Token

2. Sentence

3. Window

4. Semantic

5. Simple

Example YAML

  - module_type: llama_index_chunk
    chunk_method: [ Token, Sentence ]
    chunk_size: [ 1024, 512 ]
    chunk_overlap: 24
    add_file_name: english

Using Llama Index Chunk Method that is not in the Available Chunk Method

You can find more information about the llama index chunk method at here.

How to Use

If you want to use HTMLNodeParser that is not in the available chunk method, you can use the following code.

from autorag.data import chunk_modules
from llama_index.core.node_parser import HTMLNodeParser

chunk_modules["html"] = HTMLNodeParser


The key value in chunk_modules must always be written in lowercase.