7. Prompt Maker

🔎 Definition

Prompt Maker is a module that makes a prompt from a user query and retrieved contents.

🔢 Parameters


This document serves as a guide for configuring parameters, strategies, and the config YAML file for various nodes within a system.

Node Parameters

  • None


Performance Evaluation: Like the query_expansion node, the Prompt Maker node’s performance cannot be measured by the result alone. So, we evaluate the prompt, which is the result of the Prompt Maker node, using the generator (LLM). Therefore, the strategy sets the parameters needed to evaluate the answer of the generator (LLM).


Please refer to the parameter of Generator Node for more details.

Strategy Parameters:

  1. Metrics: (Essential) Metrics such as bleu,meteor, and rouge are used to evaluate the performance of the prompt maker process through its impact on generator (llm) outcomes.

  2. Speed Threshold: (Optional) speed_threshold is applied across all nodes, ensuring that any method exceeding the average processing time for a query is not used.

  3. Token Threshold: (Optional) token_threshold ensuring that output prompt average token length does not exceed the threshold.

  4. tokenizer: (Optional) Since you don’t know what LLM model you will use in the next nodes, you can specify the tokenizer name to use in token_threshold strategy. You can use OpenAI model names or Huggingface model names that support AutoTokenizer. It will automatically find the tokenizer for the model name you specify. Default is ‘gpt2.’

  5. Generator Modules: (Optional, but recommended to set) The prompt maker node can use all modules and module parameters from the generator node, including:

    • llama_index_llm: with llm and additional llm parameters

    • openai_llm: with llm and additional openai AsyncOpenAI parameters

    • vllm: with llm and additional vllm parameters

    And the default model of generator module for evaluating prompt maker is openai gpt-3.5-turbo model.

    Plus, the evaluation of the prompt maker will skip when there is only one combination of prompt maker modules and options.

Example config.yaml file

- node_line_name: post_retrieve_node_line  # Arbitrary node line name
    - node_type: prompt_maker
        metrics: [bleu, meteor, rouge, sem_score]
        speed_threshold: 10
        token_threshold: 1000
        tokenizer: gpt-3.5-turbo
          - module_type: llama_index_llm
            llm: openai
            model: [gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106]
        - module_type: fstring
          prompt: ["Tell me something about the question: {query} \n\n {retrieved_contents}",
                   "Question: {query} \n Something to read: {retrieved_contents} \n What's your answer?"]

Supported Modules