Start creating your own evaluation data


  1. Overview

  2. Raw data to Corpus data

  3. Corpus data to QA data

  4. Use custom prompt

  5. Use multiple prompts

  6. If there are existing queries


For the evaluation of RAGs we need data, but in most cases we have little or no satisfactory data.

However, since the advent of LLM, creating synthetic data has become one of the good solutions to this problem.

The following guide covers how to use LLM to create data in a form that AutoRAG can use.

Data Creation

AutoRAG aims to work with Python’s ‘primitive data types’ for scalability and convenience.

Therefore, to use AutoRAG, you need to convert your raw data into corpus data and qa data to our data format.

Make corpus data from raw documents

  1. Load your raw data to texts with loaders such as lama_index, LangChain, etc.

  2. Chunk the texts into passages. Use Langchain, LlamaIndex, etc.

  3. Make it into corpus data to use converter functions. There are converter functions for llama index Document, TextNode, and Langchain Document objects, which is llama_document_to_parquet, llama_text_node_to_parquet, and langchain_document_to_parquet.

  • Use Llama Index

from llama_index.core import SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.core.node_parser import TokenTextSplitter
from import llama_text_node_to_parquet

documents = SimpleDirectoryReader('your_dir_path').load_data()
nodes = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=512, chunk_overlap=128).get_nodes_from_documents(documents=documents)
corpus_df = llama_text_node_to_parquet(nodes, 'path/to/corpus.parquet')
  • Use LangChain

from langchain_community.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader
from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from import langchain_documents_to_parquet

documents = DirectoryLoader('your_dir_path', glob='**/*.md').load()
documents = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=512, chunk_overlap=128).split_documents(documents)
corpus_df = langchain_documents_to_parquet(documents, 'path/to/corpus.parquet')


The format for corpus data can be found corpus data format

Make qa data from corpus data


The format for qa data can be found qa data format

import pandas as pd
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import generate_qa_llama_index, make_single_content_qa

corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_single_content_qa(corpus_df, 50, generate_qa_llama_index, llm=llm, question_num_per_content=1,
                               output_filepath='path/to/qa.parquet', cache_batch=64)

generate_qa_llama_index is a function designed to generate questions and its generation_gt per content. You can set the number of questions per content by changing question_num_per_content parameter.

And the make_single_content_qa function is designed to generate qa.parquet file using input function. It generates ‘single content’ qa data, also known as ‘single-hop’ or ‘single-document’ QA data. Which means it uses only one passage per question for answering the question.

What is passage?

Passage is chunked units from raw data.

Auto-save feature

From AutoRAG v0.2.9, the auto-save feature added! Now, you don’t have to afraid that something wrong while the data generation. The data will save automatically to the input output_filepath.

You can set how often you want to save the result to the file. Just adjust cache_batch parameter. Default is 32.

Use custom prompt

You can use custom prompt to generate qa data. The prompt must contains two placeholders:

  • {{text}}: The content string

  • {{num_questions}}: The number of questions to generate

import pandas as pd

from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import generate_qa_llama_index, make_single_content_qa

prompt = """
Generate question and answer pairs for the given passage.


Number of questions to generate: {{num_questions}}

[Q]: What is this?
[A]: This is a sample question.


corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_single_content_qa(corpus_df, content_size=50, qa_creation_func=generate_qa_llama_index,
                               llm=llm, prompt=prompt, question_num_per_content=1)

Use multiple prompts

If you want to generate different types of question and answer pairs, you can use multiple prompts. From now, we support distributing multiple prompts by randomly based on the ratio of each prompt. It means that the prompt will be selected by a ratio per passage.

For this, you must provide a dictionary. The dictionary must have the key, which is the prompt text file path, and the value which is the ratio of the prompt.

import pandas as pd
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import generate_qa_llama_index_by_ratio, make_single_content_qa

ratio_dict = {
    'prompt1.txt': 1,
    'prompt2.txt': 2,
    'prompt3.txt': 3

corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_single_content_qa(corpus_df, content_size=50, qa_creation_func=generate_qa_llama_index_by_ratio,
                               llm=llm, prompts_ratio=ratio_dict, question_num_per_content=1, batch=6)


Remeber all prompts must have the placeholders {{text}} and {{num_questions}}.

When you have existing qa data

When you have existing qa data, you can use it for AutoRAG. The real user’s qa data is valuable data, so it is always great to use it prior to generating synthetic data.

But you have to make retrieval_gt for existing queries from your corpus data. The process to find the retrieval_gt at the corpus is hard but must be accurate. To make it less hard, we use an embedding model and vectordb for finding relevant passages. After that, you have to clarify the retrieval_gt is right. If retrieval_gt is not relevant, you have to remove it from the dataset.

This feature is available if you have only query ready, and if you have both query and generation_gt ready.

If you only have query data:

First get retrieval_gt with the existing query, then put a query and retrieval_gt into LLM and generate generation_gt.

  • answer_creation_func, llm parameters are necessary.

  • existing_qa_df must have ‘query’ column.

import pandas as pd
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import make_qa_with_existing_qa, generate_answers

corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
existing_qa_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/existing_qa.parquet')  # It has to contain 'query' column
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_qa_with_existing_qa(corpus_df, existing_qa_df, content_size=50,
                                 llm=llm, output_filepath='path/to/qa.parquet', cache_batch=64,
                                 embedding_model='openai_embed_3_large', top_k=5)

You can use PersistentClient for saving corpus embeddings locally as well.

import pandas as pd
import chromadb
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import make_qa_with_existing_qa, generate_answers

client = chromadb.PersistentClient('path/to/chromadb')
collection = client.get_or_create_collection('auto-rag')

corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
existing_qa_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/existing_qa.parquet')  # It has to contain 'query' column
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_qa_with_existing_qa(corpus_df, existing_qa_df, content_size=50,
                                 answer_creation_func=generate_answers, collection=collection,
                                 llm=llm, output_filepath='path/to/qa.parquet', cache_batch=64,
                                 embedding_model='openai_embed_3_large', top_k=5)

If you have both query and generation_gt:

Use a query and generation_gt as they are, and just find and add retrieval_gt.

  • answer_creation_func, llm parameters are not necessary.

  • exist_gen_gt=True parameter is necessary.

  • existing_qa_df must have ‘query’ and ‘generation_gt’ columns.

    • generation_gt(per query) must be in the form of List[str].

import pandas as pd
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import make_qa_with_existing_qa

corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
existing_qa_df = pd.read_parquet(
    'path/to/existing_qa.parquet')  # It has to contain 'query' and 'generation_gt' columns.
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_qa_with_existing_qa(corpus_df, existing_qa_df, content_size=50, exist_gen_gt=True,
                                 output_filepath='path/to/qa.parquet', cache_batch=64,
                                 embedding_model='openai_embed_3_large', top_k=5)

You can use PersistentClient for saving corpus embeddings locally as well.

import pandas as pd
import chromadb
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI
from import make_qa_with_existing_qa

client = chromadb.PersistentClient('path/to/chromadb')
collection = client.get_or_create_collection('auto-rag')

corpus_df = pd.read_parquet('path/to/corpus.parquet')
existing_qa_df = pd.read_parquet(
    'path/to/existing_qa.parquet')  # It has to contain 'query' and 'generation_gt' columns.
llm = OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=1.0)
qa_df = make_qa_with_existing_qa(corpus_df, existing_qa_df, content_size=50,
                                 exist_gen_gt=True, collection=collection,
                                 output_filepath='path/to/qa.parquet', cache_batch=64,
                                 embedding_model='openai_embed_3_large', top_k=5)