Query Decompose

The query_decompose is used to decompose a ‘multi-hop question’ into ‘multiple single-hop questions’ using a LLM model. The module uses a default decomposition prompt from the Visconde paper’s StrategyQA few-shot prompt.

Module Parameters

llm: The query expansion node requires setting parameters related to our generator modules.

  • generator_module_type: The type of the generator module to use.

  • llm: The type of llm.

  • Other LLM-related parameters such as model, temperature, and max_token can be set. These are passed as keyword arguments (kwargs) to the LLM object, allowing for further customization of the LLM’s behavior.

Additional Parameters:

  • prompt: You can use your own custom prompt for the LLM model. Default prompt comes from StrategyQA few-shot prompt of Visconde.

Example config.yaml

- module_type: query_decompose
  generator_module_type: llama_index_llm
  llm: openai
  model: [ gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 ]

Default Prompt

When the question doesn’t need decomposition, it must return “The question needs no decomposition.” Plus, each question will be allocated in {question}, so you have to write it in the prompt.

Decompose a question in self-contained sub-questions. Use \"The question needs no decomposition\" when no decomposition is needed.

Example 1:

Question: Is Hamlet more common on IMDB than Comedy of Errors?
1: How many listings of Hamlet are there on IMDB?
2: How many listing of Comedy of Errors is there on IMDB?

Example 2:

Question: Are birds important to badminton?

The question needs no decomposition

Example 3:

Question: Is it legal for a licensed child driving Mercedes-Benz to be employed in US?

1: What is the minimum driving age in the US?
2: What is the minimum age for someone to be employed in the US?

Example 4:

Question: Are all cucumbers the same texture?

The question needs no decomposition

Example 5:

Question: Hydrogen's atomic number squared exceeds number of Spice Girls?

1: What is the atomic number of hydrogen?
2: How many Spice Girls are there?

Example 6:

Question: {question}
