llama_index LLM

The llama_index_llm module is generator based on llama_index. It gets the LLM instance from llama index, and returns generated text by the input prompt. It does not generate log probs.

Module Parameters

llm: The generator node requires setting parameters related to the Large Language Model (LLM) being used. This includes specifying the LLM provider (e.g., openai or a list of providers like [openai, huggingfacellm]) and the model configuration. By default, if only openai is specified without a model, the system uses the default model set in llama_index, which is gpt-3.5-turbo.


Information about the LLM model can be found Supporting LLM models.

  • Additional Parameters:

    • batch: How many calls to make at once. Default is 16.

    • Other LLM-related parameters such as model, temperature, and max_token can be set. These are passed as keyword arguments (kwargs) to the LLM object, allowing for further customization of the LLM’s behavior.

Example config.yaml

- module_type: llama_index_llm
  llm: [openai]
  model: [gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106]
  temperature: [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]