
1. Installation

Could not build wheels

If you face this kind of error during installation, try some methods below.

  1. Upgrade pip version

    pip install --upgrade pip
  2. Install gcc or c++ packages

    sudo apt-get install build-essential # linux
    brew install gcc # mac

If you still have trouble, please open an issue on GitHub or chat at our Discord channel.

2. Optimization

Facing OPENAI API error

  1. Check your API key environment variable It is one of the common mistakes to missing API key environment variable. Use echo command to check your environment variable.


If you don’t see any output, you should set your API key environment variable.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key

Often, in case you use python-dotenv, llm module can’t recognize your environment variable.

  1. Put your API key to config YAML file directly. You can put your API key directly when you have difficulty adding environment variable.

Here is a sample config YAML file that uses api_key directly to the generator module. This can be work because we put additional parameters to llm initialization, which means you can put any parameters for LlamaIndex LLM model.

    - node_type: generator
        metrics: [bleu, meteor, rouge]
        - module_type: llama_index_llm
          llm: openai
          model: gpt-3.5-turbo
          batch: 4
          api_key: your_api_key


Commit and push config yaml file contains your API key can cause serious security problem.


Put api_key or api_base directly to your config yaml file sometimes useful. When you using OpenAILike model (like VLLM openai server), you can put api_base and api_key to your config yaml file. In this way, you can use both OpenAI model and custom model.

Error while running LLM

It is common you face OOM (Out of Memory) error or out of rate limit error while running LLM. In this case, we suggest you adjusting batch size.

  1. Adjust batch size You can adjust batch size at our config YAML file. All modules that using LLM model can get batch as module parameter.

For example, using batch at llama_index_llm module:

        - module_type: llama_index_llm
          llm: openai
          model: [gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106]
          temperature: [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]
          batch: 4

See? You can put batch parameter to llama_index_llm module.


We recommend setting batch under 3 when you are using openai model. In our experiment, it occurred rate limit error when the batch size was 4. (Check out your tier and limit error at here.)

The length or row is different from the original data

When the length of a result is different from the original data, it is often caused by the index.

You must reset the index of your dataset before running AutoRAG.

df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

3. LlamaIndex

Facing Import Error

If you encounter the following llama_index ImportError, you need to check your LlamaIndex version.

If it is lower than 0.11.0, you need to use a version at least 0.11.0!

5. UnicodeDecodeError

Error reading a parquet file on Windows!

The workaround on Windows is to use engine='pyarrow', This is something that needs to be fixed inside AutoRAG.

We’ll try to fix it in the issue :)

For now, please use Mac or Linux (or WSL on Windows)!

6. Ollama RequestTimeOut Error

If you encounter RequestTimeOut error, you can adjust the timeout parameter in the ollama module.

          - module_type: llama_index_llm
            llm: ollama
            model: llama3
            request_timeout: 100  # ⇒ You can change the timeout value

If you increase the timeout value but doesn’t resolve the error, it may be a ollama issue.