The UPR module is a reranker based on paper called “Improving Passage Retrieval with Zero-shot Question Generation”. It uses a language model to generate a question based on the passage and reranks the passages by the likelihood of the question. It can enhance accuracy because it calculates likelihood original passages and related passages (generated) with user’s question.

Module Parameters

Configure the UPR module with parameters like

  • (Optional) use_bf16 (boolean):

    • Whether to use bfloat16 for the model.

    • Default is False.

  • (Optional) prefix_prompt (strings):

    • The prefix prompt serves as the initial context or instruction for the language model. It sets the stage for what is expected in the output

    • Default is Passage:

  • (Optional) suffix_prompt (strings):

    • The suffix prompt provides a cue or a closing instruction to the language model, signaling how to conclude the generated text or what format to follow at the end.

    • Default is Please write a question based on this passage.

for customizing the reranking behavior.

Example config.yaml

  - module_type: upr
    use_bf16: False
    prefix_prompt: "Passage: "
    suffix_prompt: "Please write a question based on this passage."