Source code for autorag.nodes.passagereranker.time_reranker

import os
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple

import pandas as pd

from autorag.nodes.passagereranker.base import BasePassageReranker
from autorag.utils import result_to_dataframe, fetch_contents

[docs] class TimeReranker(BasePassageReranker): def __init__(self, project_dir: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(project_dir, *args, **kwargs) self.corpus_df = pd.read_parquet( os.path.join(project_dir, "data", "corpus.parquet"), engine="pyarrow" )
[docs] @result_to_dataframe(["retrieved_contents", "retrieved_ids", "retrieve_scores"]) def pure(self, previous_result: pd.DataFrame, *args, **kwargs): _, contents, scores, ids = self.cast_to_run(previous_result) metadatas = fetch_contents(self.corpus_df, ids, column_name="metadata") times = [ [time["last_modified_datetime"] for time in time_list] for time_list in metadatas ] top_k = kwargs.pop("top_k") return self._pure(contents, scores, ids, top_k, times)
def _pure( self, contents_list: List[List[str]], scores_list: List[List[float]], ids_list: List[List[str]], top_k: int, time_list: List[List[datetime]], ) -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[str]], List[List[float]]]: """ Rerank the passages based on merely the datetime of the passage. It uses 'last_modified_datetime' key in the corpus metadata, so the metadata should be in the format of {'last_modified_datetime': datetime.datetime} at the corpus data file. :param contents_list: The list of lists of contents :param scores_list: The list of lists of scores from the initial ranking :param ids_list: The list of lists of ids :param top_k: The number of passages to be retrieved after reranking :param time_list: The metadata list of lists of datetime.datetime It automatically extracts the 'last_modified_datetime' key from the metadata in the corpus data. :return: The reranked contents, ids, and scores """ def sort_row(contents, scores, ids, time, top_k): combined = list(zip(contents, scores, ids, time)) combined.sort(key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True) sorted_contents, sorted_scores, sorted_ids, _ = zip(*combined) return ( list(sorted_contents)[:top_k], list(sorted_scores)[:top_k], list(sorted_ids)[:top_k], ) reranked_contents, reranked_scores, reranked_ids = zip( *map( sort_row, contents_list, scores_list, ids_list, time_list, [top_k] * len(contents_list), ) ) return list(reranked_contents), list(reranked_ids), list(reranked_scores)