import logging
import uuid
from typing import Callable, Optional, List
import chromadb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import autorag
from autorag.nodes.retrieval.vectordb import vectordb_ingest, vectordb_pure
from autorag.utils.util import (
logger = logging.getLogger("AutoRAG")
def make_single_content_qa(
corpus_df: pd.DataFrame,
content_size: int,
qa_creation_func: Callable,
output_filepath: Optional[str] = None,
upsert: bool = False,
random_state: int = 42,
cache_batch: int = 32,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Make single content (single-hop, single-document) QA dataset using given qa_creation_func.
It generates a single content QA dataset, which means its retrieval ground truth will be only one.
It is the most basic form of QA dataset.
:param corpus_df: The corpus dataframe to make QA dataset from.
:param content_size: This function will generate QA dataset for the given number of contents.
:param qa_creation_func: The function to create QA pairs.
You can use like `generate_qa_llama_index` or `generate_qa_llama_index_by_ratio`.
The input func must have `contents` parameter for the list of content string.
:param output_filepath: Optional filepath to save the parquet file.
If None, the function will return the processed_data as pd.DataFrame, but do not save as parquet.
File directory must exist. File extension must be .parquet
:param upsert: If true, the function will overwrite the existing file if it exists.
Default is False.
:param random_state: The random state for sampling corpus from the given corpus_df.
:param cache_batch: The number of batches to use for caching the generated QA dataset.
When the cache_batch size data is generated, the dataset will save to the designated output_filepath.
If the cache_batch size is too small, the process time will be longer.
:param kwargs: The keyword arguments for qa_creation_func.
:return: QA dataset dataframe.
You can save this as parquet file to use at AutoRAG.
assert content_size > 0, "content_size must be greater than 0."
if content_size > len(corpus_df):
f"content_size {content_size} is larger than the corpus size {len(corpus_df)}. "
"Setting content_size to the corpus size."
content_size = len(corpus_df)
sampled_corpus = corpus_df.sample(n=content_size, random_state=random_state)
sampled_corpus = sampled_corpus.reset_index(drop=True)
def make_query_generation_gt(row):
return row["qa"]["query"], row["qa"]["generation_gt"]
qa_data = pd.DataFrame()
for idx, i in tqdm(enumerate(range(0, len(sampled_corpus), cache_batch))):
qa = qa_creation_func(
contents=sampled_corpus["contents"].tolist()[i : i + cache_batch], **kwargs
temp_qa_data = pd.DataFrame(
"qa": qa,
"retrieval_gt": sampled_corpus["doc_id"].tolist()[i : i + cache_batch],
temp_qa_data = temp_qa_data.explode("qa", ignore_index=True)
temp_qa_data["qid"] = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(len(temp_qa_data))]
temp_qa_data[["query", "generation_gt"]] = temp_qa_data.apply(
make_query_generation_gt, axis=1, result_type="expand"
temp_qa_data = temp_qa_data.drop(columns=["qa"])
temp_qa_data["retrieval_gt"] = temp_qa_data["retrieval_gt"].apply(
lambda x: [[x]]
temp_qa_data["generation_gt"] = temp_qa_data["generation_gt"].apply(
lambda x: [x]
if idx == 0:
qa_data = temp_qa_data
qa_data = pd.concat([qa_data, temp_qa_data], ignore_index=True)
if output_filepath is not None:
save_parquet_safe(qa_data, output_filepath, upsert=upsert)
return qa_data
def make_qa_with_existing_qa(
corpus_df: pd.DataFrame,
existing_query_df: pd.DataFrame,
content_size: int,
answer_creation_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
exist_gen_gt: Optional[bool] = False,
output_filepath: Optional[str] = None,
embedding_model: str = "openai_embed_3_large",
collection: Optional[chromadb.Collection] = None,
upsert: bool = False,
random_state: int = 42,
cache_batch: int = 32,
top_k: int = 3,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Make single-hop QA dataset using given qa_creation_func and existing queries.
:param corpus_df: The corpus dataframe to make QA dataset from.
:param existing_query_df: Dataframe containing existing queries to use for QA pair creation.
:param content_size: This function will generate QA dataset for the given number of contents.
:param answer_creation_func: Optional function to create answer with input query.
If exist_gen_gt is False, this function must be given.
:param exist_gen_gt: Optional boolean to use existing generation_gt.
If True, the existing_query_df must have 'generation_gt' column.
If False, the answer_creation_func must be given.
:param output_filepath: Optional filepath to save the parquet file.
:param embedding_model: The embedding model to use for vectorization.
You can add your own embedding model in the autorag.embedding_models.
Please refer to how to add an embedding model in this doc:
The default is 'openai_embed_3_large'.
:param collection: The chromadb collection to use for vector DB.
You can make any chromadb collection and use it here.
If you already ingested the corpus_df to the collection, the embedding process will not be repeated.
The default is None. If None, it makes a temporary collection.
:param upsert: If true, the function will overwrite the existing file if it exists.
:param random_state: The random state for sampling corpus from the given corpus_df.
:param cache_batch: The number of batches to use for caching the generated QA dataset.
:param top_k: The number of sources to refer by model.
Default is 3.
:param kwargs: The keyword arguments for qa_creation_func.
:return: QA dataset dataframe.
raise DeprecationWarning("This function is deprecated.")
assert (
"query" in existing_query_df.columns
), "existing_query_df must have 'query' column."
if exist_gen_gt:
assert (
"generation_gt" in existing_query_df.columns
), "existing_query_df must have 'generation_gt' column."
assert (
answer_creation_func is not None
), "answer_creation_func must be given when exist_gen_gt is False."
assert content_size > 0, "content_size must be greater than 0."
if content_size > len(corpus_df):
f"content_size {content_size} is larger than the corpus size {len(corpus_df)}. "
"Setting content_size to the corpus size."
content_size = len(corpus_df)"Loading local embedding model...")
embeddings = autorag.embedding_models[embedding_model]()
# Vector DB creation
if collection is None:
chroma_client = chromadb.Client()
collection_name = "auto-rag"
collection = chroma_client.get_or_create_collection(collection_name)
# embed corpus_df
vectordb_ingest(collection, corpus_df, embeddings)
query_embeddings = embeddings.get_text_embedding_batch(
loop = get_event_loop()
tasks = [
vectordb_pure([query_embedding], top_k, collection)
for query_embedding in query_embeddings
results = loop.run_until_complete(process_batch(tasks, batch_size=cache_batch))
retrieved_ids = list(map(lambda x: x[0], results))
retrieved_contents: List[List[str]] = fetch_contents(corpus_df, retrieved_ids)
input_passage_strs: List[str] = list(
lambda x: "\n".join(
[f"Document {i + 1}\n{content}" for i, content in enumerate(x)]
retrieved_qa_df = pd.DataFrame(
"qid": [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(len(existing_query_df))],
"query": existing_query_df["query"].tolist(),
"retrieval_gt": list(map(lambda x: [x], retrieved_ids)),
"input_passage_str": input_passage_strs,
if exist_gen_gt:
generation_gt = existing_query_df["generation_gt"].tolist()
if isinstance(generation_gt[0], np.ndarray):
retrieved_qa_df["generation_gt"] = generation_gt
raise ValueError(
"In existing_query_df, generation_gt (per query) must be in the form of List[str]."
sample_qa_df = retrieved_qa_df.sample(
n=min(content_size, len(retrieved_qa_df)), random_state=random_state
qa_df = sample_qa_df.copy(deep=True)
qa_df.drop(columns=["input_passage_str"], inplace=True)
if not exist_gen_gt:
generation_gt = answer_creation_func(
qa_df["generation_gt"] = generation_gt
if output_filepath is not None:
save_parquet_safe(qa_df, output_filepath, upsert=upsert)
return qa_df