Source code for

import logging
import uuid
from typing import Callable, Optional, List

import chromadb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

import autorag
from autorag.nodes.retrieval.vectordb import vectordb_ingest, vectordb_pure
from autorag.utils.util import (

logger = logging.getLogger("AutoRAG")

[docs] def make_single_content_qa( corpus_df: pd.DataFrame, content_size: int, qa_creation_func: Callable, output_filepath: Optional[str] = None, upsert: bool = False, random_state: int = 42, cache_batch: int = 32, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Make single content (single-hop, single-document) QA dataset using given qa_creation_func. It generates a single content QA dataset, which means its retrieval ground truth will be only one. It is the most basic form of QA dataset. :param corpus_df: The corpus dataframe to make QA dataset from. :param content_size: This function will generate QA dataset for the given number of contents. :param qa_creation_func: The function to create QA pairs. You can use like `generate_qa_llama_index` or `generate_qa_llama_index_by_ratio`. The input func must have `contents` parameter for the list of content string. :param output_filepath: Optional filepath to save the parquet file. If None, the function will return the processed_data as pd.DataFrame, but do not save as parquet. File directory must exist. File extension must be .parquet :param upsert: If true, the function will overwrite the existing file if it exists. Default is False. :param random_state: The random state for sampling corpus from the given corpus_df. :param cache_batch: The number of batches to use for caching the generated QA dataset. When the cache_batch size data is generated, the dataset will save to the designated output_filepath. If the cache_batch size is too small, the process time will be longer. :param kwargs: The keyword arguments for qa_creation_func. :return: QA dataset dataframe. You can save this as parquet file to use at AutoRAG. """ assert content_size > 0, "content_size must be greater than 0." if content_size > len(corpus_df): logger.warning( f"content_size {content_size} is larger than the corpus size {len(corpus_df)}. " "Setting content_size to the corpus size." ) content_size = len(corpus_df) sampled_corpus = corpus_df.sample(n=content_size, random_state=random_state) sampled_corpus = sampled_corpus.reset_index(drop=True) def make_query_generation_gt(row): return row["qa"]["query"], row["qa"]["generation_gt"] qa_data = pd.DataFrame() for idx, i in tqdm(enumerate(range(0, len(sampled_corpus), cache_batch))): qa = qa_creation_func( contents=sampled_corpus["contents"].tolist()[i : i + cache_batch], **kwargs ) temp_qa_data = pd.DataFrame( { "qa": qa, "retrieval_gt": sampled_corpus["doc_id"].tolist()[i : i + cache_batch], } ) temp_qa_data = temp_qa_data.explode("qa", ignore_index=True) temp_qa_data["qid"] = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(len(temp_qa_data))] temp_qa_data[["query", "generation_gt"]] = temp_qa_data.apply( make_query_generation_gt, axis=1, result_type="expand" ) temp_qa_data = temp_qa_data.drop(columns=["qa"]) temp_qa_data["retrieval_gt"] = temp_qa_data["retrieval_gt"].apply( lambda x: [[x]] ) temp_qa_data["generation_gt"] = temp_qa_data["generation_gt"].apply( lambda x: [x] ) if idx == 0: qa_data = temp_qa_data else: qa_data = pd.concat([qa_data, temp_qa_data], ignore_index=True) if output_filepath is not None: save_parquet_safe(qa_data, output_filepath, upsert=upsert) return qa_data
[docs] def make_qa_with_existing_qa( corpus_df: pd.DataFrame, existing_query_df: pd.DataFrame, content_size: int, answer_creation_func: Optional[Callable] = None, exist_gen_gt: Optional[bool] = False, output_filepath: Optional[str] = None, embedding_model: str = "openai_embed_3_large", collection: Optional[chromadb.Collection] = None, upsert: bool = False, random_state: int = 42, cache_batch: int = 32, top_k: int = 3, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Make single-hop QA dataset using given qa_creation_func and existing queries. :param corpus_df: The corpus dataframe to make QA dataset from. :param existing_query_df: Dataframe containing existing queries to use for QA pair creation. :param content_size: This function will generate QA dataset for the given number of contents. :param answer_creation_func: Optional function to create answer with input query. If exist_gen_gt is False, this function must be given. :param exist_gen_gt: Optional boolean to use existing generation_gt. If True, the existing_query_df must have 'generation_gt' column. If False, the answer_creation_func must be given. :param output_filepath: Optional filepath to save the parquet file. :param embedding_model: The embedding model to use for vectorization. You can add your own embedding model in the autorag.embedding_models. Please refer to how to add an embedding model in this doc: The default is 'openai_embed_3_large'. :param collection: The chromadb collection to use for vector DB. You can make any chromadb collection and use it here. If you already ingested the corpus_df to the collection, the embedding process will not be repeated. The default is None. If None, it makes a temporary collection. :param upsert: If true, the function will overwrite the existing file if it exists. :param random_state: The random state for sampling corpus from the given corpus_df. :param cache_batch: The number of batches to use for caching the generated QA dataset. :param top_k: The number of sources to refer by model. Default is 3. :param kwargs: The keyword arguments for qa_creation_func. :return: QA dataset dataframe. """ assert ( "query" in existing_query_df.columns ), "existing_query_df must have 'query' column." if exist_gen_gt: assert ( "generation_gt" in existing_query_df.columns ), "existing_query_df must have 'generation_gt' column." else: assert ( answer_creation_func is not None ), "answer_creation_func must be given when exist_gen_gt is False." assert content_size > 0, "content_size must be greater than 0." if content_size > len(corpus_df): logger.warning( f"content_size {content_size} is larger than the corpus size {len(corpus_df)}. " "Setting content_size to the corpus size." ) content_size = len(corpus_df)"Loading local embedding model...") embeddings = autorag.embedding_models[embedding_model]() # Vector DB creation if collection is None: chroma_client = chromadb.Client() collection_name = "auto-rag" collection = chroma_client.get_or_create_collection(collection_name) # embed corpus_df vectordb_ingest(collection, corpus_df, embeddings) query_embeddings = embeddings.get_text_embedding_batch( existing_query_df["query"].tolist() ) loop = get_event_loop() tasks = [ vectordb_pure([query_embedding], top_k, collection) for query_embedding in query_embeddings ] results = loop.run_until_complete(process_batch(tasks, batch_size=cache_batch)) retrieved_ids = list(map(lambda x: x[0], results)) retrieved_contents: List[List[str]] = fetch_contents(corpus_df, retrieved_ids) input_passage_strs: List[str] = list( map( lambda x: "\n".join( [f"Document {i + 1}\n{content}" for i, content in enumerate(x)] ), retrieved_contents, ) ) retrieved_qa_df = pd.DataFrame( { "qid": [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(len(existing_query_df))], "query": existing_query_df["query"].tolist(), "retrieval_gt": list(map(lambda x: [x], retrieved_ids)), "input_passage_str": input_passage_strs, } ) if exist_gen_gt: generation_gt = existing_query_df["generation_gt"].tolist() if isinstance(generation_gt[0], np.ndarray): retrieved_qa_df["generation_gt"] = generation_gt else: raise ValueError( "In existing_query_df, generation_gt (per query) must be in the form of List[str]." ) sample_qa_df = retrieved_qa_df.sample( n=min(content_size, len(retrieved_qa_df)), random_state=random_state ) qa_df = sample_qa_df.copy(deep=True) qa_df.drop(columns=["input_passage_str"], inplace=True) if not exist_gen_gt: generation_gt = answer_creation_func( contents=sample_qa_df["input_passage_str"].tolist(), queries=sample_qa_df["query"].tolist(), batch=cache_batch, **kwargs, ) qa_df["generation_gt"] = generation_gt if output_filepath is not None: save_parquet_safe(qa_df, output_filepath, upsert=upsert) return qa_df