Source code for autorag.nodes.generator.vllm

import gc
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

import torch

from autorag.nodes.generator.base import generator_node

[docs] @generator_node def vllm( prompts: List[str], llm: str, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[List[int]], List[List[float]]]: """ Vllm module. It gets the VLLM instance, and returns generated texts by the input prompt. You can set logprobs to get the log probs of the generated text. Default logprobs is 1. :param prompts: A list of prompts. :param llm: Model name of vLLM. :param kwargs: The extra parameters for generating the text. :return: A tuple of three elements. The first element is a list of generated text. The second element is a list of generated text's token ids. The third element is a list of generated text's log probs. """ try: from vllm.outputs import RequestOutput from vllm.sequence import SampleLogprobs from vllm import SamplingParams except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install vllm library. You can install it by running `pip install vllm`." ) input_kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs) vllm_model = make_vllm_instance(llm, input_kwargs) if "logprobs" not in input_kwargs: input_kwargs["logprobs"] = 1 generate_params = SamplingParams(**input_kwargs) results: List[RequestOutput] = vllm_model.generate(prompts, generate_params) generated_texts = list(map(lambda x: x.outputs[0].text, results)) generated_token_ids = list(map(lambda x: x.outputs[0].token_ids, results)) log_probs: List[SampleLogprobs] = list( map(lambda x: x.outputs[0].logprobs, results) ) generated_log_probs = list( map( lambda x: list(map(lambda y: y[0][y[1]].logprob, zip(x[0], x[1]))), zip(log_probs, generated_token_ids), ) ) destroy_vllm_instance(vllm_model) return generated_texts, generated_token_ids, generated_log_probs
[docs] def make_vllm_instance(llm: str, input_args: Dict): from vllm import LLM from vllm import SamplingParams model_from_args = input_args.pop("model", None) model = llm if model_from_args is None else model_from_args from_optional_params = inspect.signature( SamplingParams.from_optional ).parameters.values() sampling_params_init_params = [ for param in from_optional_params] result_kwargs = {} for key, value in input_args.items(): if key not in sampling_params_init_params: result_kwargs[key] = value # pop used result_kwargs keys in input_args for key in result_kwargs.keys(): input_args.pop(key) return LLM(model, **result_kwargs)
[docs] def destroy_vllm_instance(vllm_instance): if torch.cuda.is_available(): from vllm.distributed.parallel_state import ( destroy_model_parallel, ) destroy_model_parallel() del vllm_instance gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.distributed.destroy_process_group() torch.cuda.synchronize() else: del vllm_instance