Source code for autorag.nodes.promptmaker.fstring

from typing import List

from autorag.nodes.promptmaker.base import prompt_maker_node

[docs] @prompt_maker_node def fstring( prompt: str, queries: List[str], retrieved_contents: List[List[str]] ) -> List[str]: """ Make a prompt using f-string from a query and retrieved_contents. You must type a prompt or prompt list at config yaml file like this: .. Code:: yaml nodes: - node_type: prompt_maker modules: - module_type: fstring prompt: [Answer this question: {query} \n\n {retrieved_contents}, Read the passages carefully and answer this question: {query} \n\n Passages: {retrieved_contents}] :param prompt: A prompt string. :param queries: List of query strings. :param retrieved_contents: List of retrieved contents. :return: Prompts that made by f-string. """ def fstring_row(_prompt: str, _query: str, _retrieved_contents: List[str]) -> str: contents_str = "\n\n".join(_retrieved_contents) return _prompt.format(query=_query, retrieved_contents=contents_str) return list( map(lambda x: fstring_row(prompt, x[0], x[1]), zip(queries, retrieved_contents)) )