Source code for autorag.strategy

import functools
import time
from typing import List, Iterable, Tuple, Any, Optional, Callable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def measure_speed(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Method for measuring execution speed of the function. """ start_time = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.time() return result, end_time - start_time
[docs] def avoid_empty_result(return_index: List[int]): """ Decorator for avoiding empty results from the function. When the func returns an empty result, it will return the origin results. When the func returns a None, it will return the origin results. When the return value is a tuple, it will check all the value or list is empty. If so, it will return the origin results. It keeps parameters at return_index of the function as the origin results. :param return_index: The index of the result to be returned when there is no result. :return: The origin results or the results from the function. """ def decorator_avoid_empty_result(func: Callable): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> List: func_result = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(func_result, tuple): # if all the results are empty, return the origin results. if all([not bool(result) for result in func_result]): return [args[index] for index in return_index] if not bool(func_result): return [args[index] for index in return_index] else: return func_result return wrapper return decorator_avoid_empty_result
[docs] @avoid_empty_result([0, 3]) def filter_by_threshold(results, value, threshold, metadatas=None) -> Tuple[List, List]: """ Filter results by value's threshold. :param results: The result list to be filtered. :param value: The value list to be filtered. It must have the same length with results. :param threshold: The threshold value. :param metadatas: The metadata of each result. :return: Filtered list of results and filtered list of metadatas. Metadatas will be returned even if you did not give input metadatas. :rtype: Tuple[List, List] """ if metadatas is None: metadatas = [None] * len(results) assert len(results) == len(value), "results and value must have the same length." try: filtered_results, _, filtered_metadatas = zip( *filter(lambda x: x[1] <= threshold, zip(results, value, metadatas)) ) except ValueError: return [], [] return list(filtered_results), list(filtered_metadatas)
[docs] def validate_strategy_inputs( results: List[pd.DataFrame], columns: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ): if metadatas is None: metadatas = [None] * len(results) assert len(results) == len( metadatas ), "results and module_filename must have the same length." assert all( [isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame) for result in results] ), "results must be pd.DataFrame." assert all( [column in result.columns for result in results for column in columns] ), "columns must be in the columns of results." return results, columns, metadatas
[docs] def select_best( results: List[pd.DataFrame], columns: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Any]] = None, strategy_name: str = "mean", ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Any]: strategy_func_dict = { "mean": select_best_average, "rank": select_best_rr, "normalize_mean": select_normalize_mean, } if strategy_name not in strategy_func_dict: raise ValueError( f"Input strategy name {strategy_name} is not in {strategy_func_dict.keys()}" ) return strategy_func_dict[strategy_name](results, columns, metadatas)
[docs] def select_best_average( results: List[pd.DataFrame], columns: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Any]: """ Select the best result by average value among given columns. :param results: The list of results. Each result must be pd.DataFrame. :param columns: Column names to be averaged. Standard to select the best result. :param metadatas: The metadata of each result. It will select one metadata with the best result. :return: The best result and the best metadata. The metadata will be returned even if you did not give input 'metadatas' parameter. :rtype: Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Any] """ results, columns, metadatas = validate_strategy_inputs(results, columns, metadatas) each_average = [df[columns].mean(axis=1).mean() for df in results] best_index = each_average.index(max(each_average)) return results[best_index], metadatas[best_index]
[docs] def select_best_rr( results: List[pd.DataFrame], columns: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Any]: results, columns, metadatas = validate_strategy_inputs(results, columns, metadatas) each_average_df = pd.DataFrame( [df[columns].mean(axis=0).to_dict() for df in results] ) rank_df = each_average_df.rank(ascending=False) rr_df = x: 1 / x) best_index = np.array(rr_df.sum(axis=1)).argmax() return results[best_index], metadatas[best_index]
[docs] def select_normalize_mean( results: List[pd.DataFrame], columns: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Any]: results, columns, metadatas = validate_strategy_inputs(results, columns, metadatas) each_mean_df = pd.DataFrame([df[columns].mean(axis=0).to_dict() for df in results]) normalized_means = (each_mean_df - each_mean_df.min()) / ( each_mean_df.max() - each_mean_df.min() ) normalized_mean_sums = normalized_means.sum(axis=1) best_index = normalized_mean_sums.argmax() return results[best_index], metadatas[best_index]