Source code for autorag.web

from typing import Optional

import click
import streamlit as st

from autorag.deploy import Runner

[docs] def get_runner( yaml_path: Optional[str], project_dir: Optional[str], trial_path: Optional[str] ): if not yaml_path and not trial_path: raise ValueError("yaml_path or trial_path must be given.") elif yaml_path and trial_path: raise ValueError("yaml_path and trial_path cannot be given at the same time.") elif yaml_path: return Runner.from_yaml(yaml_path, project_dir=project_dir) elif trial_path: return Runner.from_trial_folder(trial_path)
[docs] def set_initial_state(): if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["messages"] = [ { "role": "assistant", "content": "Welcome !", } ]
[docs] def set_page_config(): st.set_page_config( page_title="AutoRAG", page_icon="🤖", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", menu_items={ "Get help": "", "Report a bug": "", }, )
[docs] def set_page_header(): st.header("📚 AutoRAG", anchor=False) st.caption("Input a question and get an answer from the given documents. ")
[docs] def chat_box(runner: Runner): if query := st.chat_input("How can I help?"): # Add the user input to messages state st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "user", "content": query}) with st.chat_message("user"): st.markdown(query) # Generate llama-index stream with user input with st.chat_message("assistant"): with st.spinner("Processing..."): response = st.write( # Add the final response to messages state st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
@click.command() @click.option("--yaml_path", type=str, help="Path to the YAML file.") @click.option("--project_dir", type=str, help="Path to the project directory.") @click.option("--trial_path", type=str, help="Path to the trial directory.") def run_web_server( yaml_path: Optional[str], project_dir: Optional[str], trial_path: Optional[str] ): runner = get_runner(yaml_path, project_dir, trial_path) set_initial_state() set_page_config() set_page_header() chat_box(runner) if __name__ == "__main__": run_web_server()